
New Name! New Location! New Classes!

Welcome to your newest edition of lifesaving news! After a long hiatus and the birth of my third (!) child, I'm back. Classes are still 3 hours long, still Red Cross certifying, and still fun! Location is now at Tykes in the Heights, a wonderful little toy shop with just enough room for some after-hours skills sharpening. Classes are 6-9 pm one Tuesday each month. The first class will be Sept 15. Please contact Kat at Tykes in the Heights directly to preregister (required!) and pay. Phone is (718) 622-0347. See you there!


Announcement - CPR classes on Hold!

Hi, everybody!

First off, an announcement: I'm pregnant!

Secondly, another announcement: No more CPR for right now!

As things have progressed it has become clear that I've got a wee bit too much on my plate, and CPR classes are on indefinite hold. I *do* plan to restart things, but not until early summer 2014 at the earliest. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you'd like to set up a class or attend an existing one - I have a small cache of possibilities in my pocket to help out individuals or groups.

Happy saving lives!


Please note: this site NOT optimized for mobile devices. Please click on the web version link at the bottom of this page for all info and crucial links!


The weather is changing! The season is changing! CPR classes themselves aren't changing, but how they're put together are!

I've struggled with striking the right balance between not enough registrants and too many registrants. It's really hard sometimes to get six people together at the same time for a class! And when the stars align, it's hard to make sure there's no over-registry without a fancier registration system or a robust cancellation policy (which I haven't developed in the name of keeping things supremely flexible). All of this is possible, but is yet another expenditure in this adventure I'm trying to keep affordable.

To that end, I'm taking a top-down scheduling hiatus for a bit to figure out how to best serve our neighborhood without going crazy myself. Simply picking a date and hoping for the best hasn't worked so well, so I'm passing that task along to YOU, fabulous friends and neighbors! The classes you see in the sidebar are put together by a participant and hosted at my site (Park Slope Eye). See a class with available spots? Go ahead, sign up!

Can't make it, or no current available class, but you still want to get CPR certified? CREATE A CLASS. Pull together a band of 6-10 moms, dads, nannies, grandmas, neighbors, friends - anyone who has an interest, and I'll come to you. All you need is enough floor space for everyone to practice CPR on a manikin. Send me an email and we'll make it happen.


Winter Classes!

Hello, neighbor!

Please join me for Park Slope's most enjoyable course to learn to save lives! These classes will provide Red Cross certification for Infant and Child CPR for all participants. These classes are low-stress, hands-on, affordable, and fun. Our first several months of courses has been great, and has resulted in at least one toddler's life saved by his quick-acting mom. I'm really looking forward to our next class!

During the class, you'll have access to skills cards, manikins, and the official Red Course visuals and demos. If you'd like, you can take a skills card to take home at the end of the class. Official certification cards will be emailed to all participants within a few weeks of course completion. The usual written "test" you might have taken in the past (or dreading now) is built into the curriculum: we take it as a group, interwoven with the class itself. Rather than putting anyone on the spot, I work with you, helping you get good lifesaving techniques down and getting you comfortable with the maneuvers and skills *as* we learn them. I want you to save a life, not get worked up over testing!

The course covers identifying and helping a baby or child who is choking, how to help an infant or child who has stopped breathing, and full CPR skills for a little one whose heart may have stopped beating. You're going to learn all this and more, and I'll help you be GOOD at it!!

Courses will be held at the offices of Dr. Justin Bazan of Park Slope Eye. If you wish to sign up for an active course listed, please click the "Pay Now" button below before the course to guarantee your spot. All classes require 6 students minimum and are capped at 10. Adults and teenagers are welcome. Course fee is $80 per person if held at Park Slope Eye; $85 per person for "travelling classes" - I come to you! (Minimum 6 participans, max 10). If you want or need to bring your breastfeeding baby to the class, you will also need to bring a non-certifying partner or childcare provider with you to be on primary "baby duty" when baby's not hungry - you're gonna need all your attention on your materials to master these skills in a relatively short period of time! Otherwise, please make childcare arrangements. And when you're done, send your sitter to a class, too!

We'll add more courses over time so long as interest continues (i.e., more adult CPR, community First Aid) and hope to expand locations if our community supports it. In the spring I hope to also have a class spread over 2 days (Tues and Thurs) during DAYTIME preschool hours, specifically for stay-at-home parents and nannies, so long as we can find an appropriate location (this is a problem - if you have a solution let me know). Belong to a group you'd like to certifiy all at once, all together? Shoot me an email and we can make it happen like we did just last week! Hooray!

So, click on the PAY NOW button if you'd like to grab a spot (right now, prepayment is the only way to register, though you can email me directly if you don't have a PayPal account), and don't forget to specify the date of the course you've chosen in the Message or "instructions" box. Once your payment is successful you'll be taken to the Park Slope Parents website - take a peek at what's new!

LOCATION ALERT: Due to remodeling at our former space, the location of classes has MOVED. Many thanks to Dr. Gordon for use of her space over the last two years - and many thanks to Dr. Bazan for our new evening class home!


Specific inquiries may be sent to Dr.Lisa.CPR@gmail.com - I check regularly but give me a day or two to respond please!