
Announcement - CPR classes on Hold!

Hi, everybody!

First off, an announcement: I'm pregnant!

Secondly, another announcement: No more CPR for right now!

As things have progressed it has become clear that I've got a wee bit too much on my plate, and CPR classes are on indefinite hold. I *do* plan to restart things, but not until early summer 2014 at the earliest. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you'd like to set up a class or attend an existing one - I have a small cache of possibilities in my pocket to help out individuals or groups.

Happy saving lives!


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The weather is changing! The season is changing! CPR classes themselves aren't changing, but how they're put together are!

I've struggled with striking the right balance between not enough registrants and too many registrants. It's really hard sometimes to get six people together at the same time for a class! And when the stars align, it's hard to make sure there's no over-registry without a fancier registration system or a robust cancellation policy (which I haven't developed in the name of keeping things supremely flexible). All of this is possible, but is yet another expenditure in this adventure I'm trying to keep affordable.

To that end, I'm taking a top-down scheduling hiatus for a bit to figure out how to best serve our neighborhood without going crazy myself. Simply picking a date and hoping for the best hasn't worked so well, so I'm passing that task along to YOU, fabulous friends and neighbors! The classes you see in the sidebar are put together by a participant and hosted at my site (Park Slope Eye). See a class with available spots? Go ahead, sign up!

Can't make it, or no current available class, but you still want to get CPR certified? CREATE A CLASS. Pull together a band of 6-10 moms, dads, nannies, grandmas, neighbors, friends - anyone who has an interest, and I'll come to you. All you need is enough floor space for everyone to practice CPR on a manikin. Send me an email and we'll make it happen.